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Atlantis ?A Myth to Cover-up Our Roots:
We have seen Troy and the Hyksos Sea People were A-Mu in the time of Troy III, and we know that ''A'' in Greek reverses the meaning of a word when used as a prefix; this adds another possibility to the issue of who the Hyksos were and whether the Phoenician ''Brotherhood'' was still the main purpose of these people at this time. The civilization of Mu or Lemuria (''the Mu people'' Wholesale Jerseys , in French) had gone to a watery grave during the end of the last glacial stage. The Chinese word for grave or perhaps the end of Mu in another context is ''Mu'', with another of those pesky accents that I especially deplore when typing. Thus A-Mu might mean ''not in the grave'' or ''not dead''. Or was this an indicator that the Royal House of Mu (in far off Peru at this time, or watching Peru from Mayan lands) was re-asserting itself? Demanding more of the spoils of the drug trade that modern forensics (Balabanova) has proven was in the Mediterranean Cheap NFL Jerseys China Free Shipping , with Peru''s unique coca plant providing great profit and control.
The archaeological record has not settled who the combatants in this Trojan War really were and where the 19 battles were; anymore than we know for a fact where Punt and Kush or even Mt. Sinai of the Bible really was. We have constructed a good guess that combines recent archaeology and the nuraghi of the Shardana, as well as Ashkelon and Sybarnds''. They join all the many things that archaeology has provided. The Hittites were Kelts and so were the descendants andor Hatti ancestors of Sargon - Phoenicians (followers of Finn and the Fianna of Ireland). The record makes it clear it was more than just a battle in Ionia and the four hundred year Dark Ages that followed may well have something to do with a cessation of trade with places like the Americas. The walls of Jericho came down in the same year the walls of Miletus (the all important sons of ML or Mil) fell. It was 1200 B.C. per the archaeological record. The evidence for much of history as we have been taught it is pretty much limited to propagandists, and the Egyptologists quoted in National Geographic''s April 2001 article by Rick Gore on the haraohs of the Sun?correctly say anyone writing about Egypt is writing fiction at this time.
My research has continued to find support for MacDari in many meaningful ways but I can''t say I am certain Ogham is the original language even though Marshacks lunar calendar and notations dated to 15 - 30 Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale ,000 years ago in Iberian Spain are good evidence. Chanting and other spiritual art and symbols certainly pre-date any Kelt with the Haplogroup X genetic marker of this same time frame. The Mungo Man was not known to me when I got deeply involved in this exploration. This small hominid was thoroughly modern almost twice as long ago as Homo Sapiens sapiens. These people found in Australia may well have taught the Phoenicians a great deal and they may have been the pygmies who worked in the Upper Mississippi copper mines with their Phoenician ''brothers''. Barry Fell t. Wholesale NCAA JerseysWholesale NBA HoodiesWholesale NBA HoodiesWholesale Baseball ShirtsCheap NBA ShirtsCheap NCAA HatsCheap Soccer JerseysCheap Authentic MLB JerseysWholeasale Jerseys From ChinaWholesale NFL Jerseys Cheap