To catch Nike Air Presto Femme full episodes of all The Motley Fool's free podcasts, check out our podcast center. A full transcript follows the video.When investing Asics Gel Lyte 3 Femme geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has quadrupled the market.*David Nike Air Vapormax Femme and Tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Nike wasn't one of them! That's right -- Nike Air Max 720 Womens they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.Does this list Nike Air Presto Donne of 10 investment opportunities interest you?The other company that we want to talk about today is Nike. A couple of Adidas Superstar Damen news items coming out about them. One of the more interesting ones is that they're launching a kids' shoes subscription service. Dan, what are the details there?
This is a really interesting idea. Adidas Superstar Mujer When they say kids' shoes, they mean little kids, up to about 10 years old. And they're selling this as, the idea is to take stress out from parents. I actually found that the sneaker stress happens a little later, when what sneaker you wear is cool. I've had the fight with my son 100 times that "I'm not buying $200 sneakers Nike Internationalist Womens until your feet stop growing."You're in a particularly unique position, though, because you have a sneakerhead 15 year old.I do. He's actually moved away from that. But he's very conscious of what other Nike Internationalist Femme kids are wearing, or what the cool kid sneaker is. We've strategized. I make him ask for gift cards for his birthday. But even then, I'm not letting him spend $200. It's too much.
But, this is a subscription program. You can join for $20 a month, $30 a month, $50 a month. And your child can literally get a new pair Nike Blazer Femme of sneakers three times a year, a new pair of sneakers four, or 12. I don't know what kid needs 12 new -- little kids aren't collecting sneakers. There's no value in those small sizes. Sneakers are dramatically cheaper for little kids. Even the trendy ones, when they start to get to be eight, nine, 10, there's a huge price Nike Roshe Run Damen break on the trendiest sneakers. Parents, depending what they pick, would save money with this, or would break even. The hardest part, and what Nike is trying Nike Air Max 270 Femme to take out of it, is sizing.