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Revelation 19:7 states, ?Let us rejoice and give honor unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.?
Our salvation is not accomplished by anything we can do, or be. Our redemption is through the blood of the Lamb Cheap Replica College Jerseys , shed for our sins. Our only responsibility in regard to our salvation is to admit our own sinfulness, realize our total lack of any ability to change ourselves, and accept His gift of salvation by faith. Jesus Christ procured salvation for us. We cannot earn it. We must repent of sin, and then accept salvation as a gift.
So what does John mean by stating the Lamb's betrothed wife has 'made herself ready?? John is not referring to salvation, which is our justification before God, but rather to the fact that Jesus has sanctified us -- set us apart in holiness unto Himself Fake Replica College Jerseys , and that we have a responsibility to daily live in a manner that brings glory to Him. Using another analogy, once a vessel is taken out of the mud and is cleaned up, it must not be placed back into the mud. As vessels made pure by the blood of the Lamb, we therefore do not place ourselves back into the mud of this sinful world. Our role in regard to being set-apart is to keep ourselves from being spotted or tarnished by the world. Once we are made clean, we choose to continue to walk in purity.
Although we live in this world, we belong to another Kingdom. The Bride represents the Bridegroom Replica College Jerseys Online , Jesus Christ, the King of Kings. While still in this world, she is an ambassador of His Kingdom! Are we proud representatives, or would we rather others did not find out who we are? Do we represent the Kingdom of God in a positive, pure manner, or would we rather try to become like the world around us? Do we seek to ?fit-in Replica College Jerseys From China ,? or do we reflect Christ to the world?