Sehr witzig war auch in der 1. Staffel die Silvester-Folge, als Haily die riesen Party im Cohen-Haus veranstaltet und als Kirsten und Sandy wiederkommen meint Seth:
"Also zuerst mal, möchte ich sagen, dass ich gar nicht genug Leute kenne um so etwas anzurichten"
Jap, oder wo Kirsten zu Sandy sagt, er würde sich das swingen nicht trauen. Ich musste so lachen, als man um halb 12 nur die Augen von den Beiden gesehn hat, bei Kirsten sah man richtig die Panik:D:D
also ich find das zitat von taylor aus der letzten folge von der dritten staffel ziemlich cool also jetzt nich witzig oder so sondern einfach schön "There's no one older than a High School senior but no one younger than a college freshman"
und das ist ziemlich witzig, keine ahnung aus welcher folge sandy:" hi lady's!" anna/summer:" hi mr. cohen." seth:" dad, sag nicht lady zu mir."
Kirsten: Oh, don't you say a word. I let you into this house. Ryan: Yeah, you did. Because my own mom couldn't take care of me. Because she wouldn't get help even though I asked her to. I don't want to see that happen again to someone I love. (des fand ich ziemlich traurig)
schau grad so paar folgen auf dvd durch und hab noch paar coole gefunden
Taylor: You know, it is so great that you guys have each other. Summer: (verwirrt) Thanks. Taylor: 'Cause everyone knows that Summer was the popular one, and Seth, no judgment, but it's not like you got any cooler in the last two years. I mean, everyone just acted that way because they were afraid of Ryan Atwood. I mean, even as a senior, you're still pretty much the biggest geek in Newport. Summer: Oh-ho no. All right, listen to me, skank, just because you're saying really mean things in, like, a really nice voice, doesn't mean that we don't realize that you're just some stupid little skank!
Seth: (hält Princess Sparkle hoch) Who is this? Summer: No-one. Seth: (imitiert Princess Sparkle´s stimme) I'm not no-one. Summer: Princess Sparkle, what do you want?
Marissa: I was being sarcastic. Summer: So was I. Which neither one of us was before Cohen came along and taught us all irony... Jackass!
Sandy: There's no need for sarcasm. Seth: I'm not being sarcastic. Sandy: Well, it's hard to tell sometimes.
Anna: So I guess you and Mrs. Cohen have a lot in common... Sandy: Sure sure, we both love, uhh..Seth.
Jimmy: Your mother has to wake up every morning and be Julie Cooper. That's punishment enough.
Summer: Ugh, this bikini is so uncomfortable. I need to go get a new one. You want to go to South Coast? Marissa: Totally. There's a Paul Frank sale there on Wednesday. Summer: Wednesday? I can't. I have plans with Zach. Marissa: Oh, more plans with Zach, huh? Summer: Yes. The more time I spend with Zach, the less time I have to think about - God, what's his face? Built like a beanpole, curly hair, runs away like a little bitch on a sailboat leaving nothing but a note for his girlfriend who cried and cried over him till the Fourth of July when she decided she doesn't cry over bitches on boats. Marissa: Seth. His name. It's Seth. Summer: I know. I'm just doing that thing where I pretend I don't and I have to use a lot of descriptive insults to give voice to my inner pain. (das ist der hamma)
Caleb: Thank you for letting me spend the night in jail. It was the most vile, most inhuman night of my life. Sandy: Well, coming from the guy who married Julie Cooper, that's saying something. (sandy ist soo witzig )
Seth: Not now, Mom, I'm studying naked. Summer: Ew! Seth: Summer? Come in! Summer: No way!
Summer: Go away, I'm studying... naked! Seth: That's supposed to keep me away?
Summer: Thanks for almost getting my bathing suit wet, Cohen. Seth: My pleasure. Ryan: [mocking Summer, nasal tone] Cohen, I can't believe that you did that, Cohen. [smirks] (ich musste so lachen )
Marissa: I think we should spend the entire summer just being normal. Ryan: We're not holding Seth to that? Marissa: No, no. That'd be impossible.
Seth: [über Kaitlin] She's Jimmy Cooper's daughter, theft is in her blood.
Marissa (fährt auto) : Why won't you tell me where we're going? This is pretty far away. Seth: Oh, wow. Complaining. That's very interesting considering nobody invited you. Marissa: Before I came along you were on a skateboard.
Summer zu Seth: Your breath smells like Marissa! You are so drunk!
Seth: And besides, now with Lindsay out of the picture, maybe Ryan and Marissa will get back together. Summer: Are you crazy? They're like the worst couple ever. And besides Marissa's happy now. Seth: Okay, and by happy you mean gay.
Summer: Just remember, this isn't goodbye. You're my destiny, Cohen. Seth: Go save the world, Summer Roberts.
ok sorry dass es so viele sind aber mir is grade ziemlich langweilig
Zitat von sscohen "There's no one older than a High School senior but no one younger than a college freshman"
Kirsten: Oh, don't you say a word. I let you into this house. Ryan: Yeah, you did. Because my own mom couldn't take care of me. Because she wouldn't get help even though I asked her to. I don't want to see that happen again to someone I love. (des fand ich ziemlich traurig)
Die Beiden finde ich auch toll! Bei dem Zweiten hatte ich Mühe meine Tränen zu verbergen.