Mass M1X In addition, they warn that The consistent and correct use of condoms is somewhat difficult to measure, since studies aimed at it would have to analyze private behaviors and there are an endless number of variables that would eventually end up underestimating The effectiveness of condoms. Likewise, it is necessary to keep in mind that although The condom is used correctly, there are STDs that are transmitted more easily than others. In addition, some of The sexually transmitted diseases are spread by contact with The skin that fails to cover itself with The condom, such as herpes and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) . Anyway, it is very important that you always use a condom when you have sex with a new partner, when you want to prevent a pregnancy or when you know that your partner is infected (or) with an STD. And, of course, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor about The measures you can take with your partner to have a healthy and safe sex life or to reduce your risks. Size does matter? At least that is what sellers of penis enlargement products make us believe . Taking advantage of The insecurity that many men have about The size of their member, they offer everything from vacuum pumps and pills, to exercise techniques, promising amazing and incredible extensions. Find out some truths hidden behind so many false promises. The market is currently responsible for selling us what "we need", even what seems impossible as penis enlargement . Do these products work? Although everyone claims to be successful, The truth is that there are many deceptions hidden behind so many incredible promises ... 1. Scientifically proven Seriously? Do not! Many of these products say they have scientific research that proves their effectiveness and safety. However, if you look carefully at The fine print in many, you can read: "This information has not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA for its initials in English - The federal agency that should approve them)."