The first alternative is acupuncture. It is an ancient process, rooted in Eastern medicine, where thin, solid needles are strategically inserted in the body onitsuka tiger mexico 66 australia , and then are carefully manipulated by the practitioner. The additional alternative is massage therapy. In this intervention, long, smooth strokes, kneading and other movements are used to focus on superficial layers of muscle. The last intervention into consideration is spinal manipulation. This is an intervention where certain areas of the spine are moved using massage asics gel lyte v australia , articulation, and high velocitylow amplitude thrusts.
There are certainly intangible benefits associated with each therapy with many patients report being pain-free after years of intolerable discomfort. Others reported being able to resume leisurely and work-related activities that were not possible due to the back pain before receiving complementary and alternative medical interventions. These include a reduced number of doctor visits; less reliance on pain management medications; and lower lost productive time at work. These tangible and intangible benefits are not quantified for the CEA.
Intervention Costs (FC and VC)
In deciding the therapy to recommend for funding, there are the relevant costs (fixed and variable) associated with each alternative on as per client and annual basis, as well as developed financial assumptions which were used to estimate the costs.
Fixed costs (FC) are less unchanged irrespective of the volume of clients seen. In reality asics gel lyte iii australia , all costs will vary over time. Labor is considered a variable cost; however, in healthcare, we typically consider labor a semi-fixed cost or FC.
Financial Assumptions
It was assumed that the pain management clinic, which will incorporate the chosen CAM alternative into their existing services asics gel kayano 23 australia , will have 150 clients, for the first year of operation, an appropriate for this new service. It was also assumed the provider will be contracted with the hospital and will be expected to dedicate a total of 10 hours per week at the facility providing care to clients. It includes time to evaluate moreover treat the clients but also offers ample time for charting other necessary paperwork moreover. It is additionally assumed the provider will only be available 50 weeks per year allowing two weeks for rest (vacation). It was assumed that each alternative would routinely provide appropriate patient education materials for their clients and that this cost will vary based on the market value of these collaterals.