Belean Keto You will have to suffer and refrain from eating any cereals, sweet, flour, and especially snacks: chips, crackers. Fried, smoked meat, any butter, too, should not be present on your table. Eliminate flavored seasonings and sauces, stirring up an appetite you no longer need. Break your day so that at regular intervals to take food, such receptions should be 6, the last - 3 hours before bedtime. In the morning you can eat a piece of meat, at lunch - fish, for dinner - cottage cheese, between them eat raw vegetables and fruits. Judging by the reviews, the protein-vitamin diet is very effective and is easily tolerated by women. If you add to it physical activity, the effect will be much more noticeable. Grapefruit is very popular among people who want to lose weight. Virtually every fruit diet most of the diet takes this particular citrus. Pineapple has a similarity to it, since them both contain substances that contribute to the burning of fat deposits. In addition, grapefruit is rich in vitamin C. Grapefruit not only helps to lose weight quickly, but also enhances immunity, and therefore the body's resistance to disease. It helps to reduce the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood due to the high content of potassium and magnesium. Also, grapefruit reduces bleeding gums and strengthens them. With the help of grapefruit, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse the body of toxins, because this citrus is rich in fiber that binds fat to each other. On the basis of grapefruit developed a lot of diets, and they all quickly help to lose weight. It is better to start losing weight before spring. In one week you can easily lose from 3 to 5 kg. The meaning of the diet is to reduce the amount of food consumed daily and use grapefruit three times a day. Nutritionists also recommend drinking more fluid during this diet. Eat half a grapefruit every day during breakfast or drink a glass of fresh grapefruit juice. But food intake should not be limited to fruits, so a couple of boiled eggs, a few pieces of bacon and freshly brewed black coffee will not hurt.